Book packages in Zermatt

Book packages in Zermatt

Put together your package

Experience Zermatt without the stress of planning! With our packages, you can easily combine accommodation, tickets and additional services - all in a single package.

Why it is worth booking with us

Best price

Largest selection in Zermatt, Täsch and Randa

Booking takes just 3 minutes

Experience Zermatt Unplugged

Festival packages

Experience Zermatt Unplugged

Get the full Zermatt Unplugged experience! Discover our attractive packages with concert tickets, accommodation and more - for magical festival moments on the Matterhorn.

To the tickets

Your perfect ski day

Ski & hotel: your perfect combination package

Experience the ultimate snow fun with our practical all-inclusive packages: Combine ski tickets and hotel accommodation in a single offer. So you can plan your next ski break with just one click - from your first turn on the slopes to your last day on the slopes. Stress-free, convenient and perfectly tailored to your winter adventure!

Nostalgic mountain summer

A journey through time to the Matterhorn

Feel the magic of times gone by and experience a nostalgic mountain summer in Zermatt!

Matterhorn Trek: Your hut dream

5 days of adventure

Matterhorn Trek: Your hut dream

Experience the ultimate trekking adventure in the impressive mountain world of Zermatt. In five unforgettable days, you'll hike from hut to hut, past glaciers and majestic peaks - including cosy hut magic and spectacular views.

Book your trek now

Pure hiking pleasure

Perfect hiking days

Biking in the Alps

Action & nature: the ultimate bike experience