
Wolli Wonderland

Pick up your puzzle box

Welcome to Wolli Wonderland!

Wolli Wonderland leads along the Lower High-Altitude Trail (Nr. 4a) and is a playground and puzzle game in one.

In the puzzle, Wolli, the destination mascot, desperately searches for his friend Mitza the cat, who has disappeared without a trace. With the clues provided by the cheerful Stein family, the instruments from the Wolli adventure box and the children’s help, various tasks can be solved that lead to Mitza.

The 17 stations along the two-kilometre trail feature tricky puzzles, unique dioramas that require interaction, and unusual play elements that invite you to linger. There are also various audio stations with seating, where you can learn all sorts of exciting facts about the fauna of Zermatt and Mitza's adventures.

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