service and safety
Here you will find everything for an unforgettable stay: valuable resources for travel operators, local services, accessible travel and important emergency numbers.
This is the place for travel operators to find valuable information about Destination Zermatt – Matterhorn.
Get to know us.
Discover the options for accessible travel in Zermatt and enjoy carefree days in the mountains.
Celebrate your loyalty to Zermatt with us and learn more about our recognition ceremony.
Send the right signal for the environment and learn how Zermatt promotes sustainable tourism.
Here are all the important emergency numbers for a safe stay in Zermatt.
Get a detailed overview of the open trails and pistes with our interactive panoramic map.
View map nowKeep up to date with the latest weather conditions and plan your outdoor adventure accordingly.
Check weather forecastView the latest live images from Zermatt and surroundings and experience the alpine conditions in real time.
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