Felix the squirrel has hidden some treasure in Zermatt.
Next available date: Tue, 25 Mar 2025
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Felix the squirrel has hidden some treasure in Zermatt. It's not easy to find: you need to solve some tricky puzzles first. Our adventurous black-nosed sheep Wolli is here to help. Team up with Wolli to discover Zermatt a special way and crack the code –you’ll need it to open the lock at the end. All you need are a treasure map and Wolli's clues to help you find the treasure. Great fun for all the family in summer and winter.
On the blue gold trail
The mountains are the water towers of the world and the region is home to the famous Matterhorn and 37 other 4000-meter peaks. Water in all its forms will be with you along the way.
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