The underground world of the Museum reveals the past of the village.
Next available date: Mon, 24 Mar 2025
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Entrance to the Matterhorn Museum
The underground world of the Matterhorn Museum - Zermatlantis reveals the past of the village of Zermatt. With original houses, multimedia room and objects from the first ascent of the Matterhorn.
A visit to the museum is a must for every guest. On view is the development of Zermatt from a mountain farmer village to a world-renowned Alpine mountain destination. Attractively staged with original houses, recreated situations of the residents and former Alpine researchers. One can also experience what happened on the Matterhorn on 14 July 1865, the day of the first ascent. The story of triumph and death went around the world. The original torn rope from the first ascent bears witness to that event.
Groups of 8 people or more receive a discount. Tickets are available directly at the museum.
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Opening hours
The opening hours are available at