
Marcus Marienfeld AG

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Today: 10:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 18:00

Please call for personal appointments 079 2203614

30 years of innovation and product enjoyment. Marcus Marienfeld AG in the midst of the Swiss mountains - the pure manufacture, combined with modern five-axis CNC technology. 100 % Handmade in Switzerland

Address & contact details

Marcus Marienfeld AG
Oberdorfstrasse 14
3920 Zermatt

+41 79 220 36 14


Address & contact details

Marcus Marienfeld AG
Oberdorfstrasse 14
3920 Zermatt

+41 79 220 36 14



From a classic goldsmith to the innovative eyewear manufacture: Marcus Marienfeld, a skilled goldsmith and jeweler, decided to open his own goldsmith workshop in February 1992, after a few years of professional wanderings, in the old town of the small Valaisian alpine village of Brig. The intensive jewelry production was soon enriched by custom-made frames, so that it was obvious to deal more intensive with this profession. At this time, the first titanium glasses came to the market, they were exclusively produced in Japan. The Japanese realized that the metal Titanium had unique properties. It was light as aluminum, could be hard as steel and it is anti-allergic - three outstanding product characteristics. Unfortunately it was only with great effort to process. Its deformation was difficult. The milling was very expensive out of a very short tool life. Marcus Marienfeld, however, was already clear at this time, that this metal would have a great future in our industry. He intensive approached the problems of processing. The Japanese developed titanium alloys should provide from now on the Marcus Marienfeld AG with best quality raw materials. For the connection technology, they set from the very beginning on the newly emerging laser technology, a pure welding process without any addition of other materials.
The Marcus Marienfeld AG today has success worldwide with its innovative products. It was recognized early, that a perfect service is the basic for the success of the brand. In December 2018, the Marcus Marienfeld AG opened there own Showroom in Zermatt. A perfect possiblity to show the products 100 % Handmade in Switzerland - Valais.


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Address & contact details

Marcus Marienfeld AG
Oberdorfstrasse 14
3920 Zermatt

+41 79 220 36 14
