Blue Run Adventurers will be out of the beginners area.
Next available date: Mon, 31 Mar 2025
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Blue Run Adventurers:
Our Blue Run Adventurers will be developing their snow plough, moving towards plough-parallel turns by the end of the week. Blue Run Adventurers will be out of the beginners area, ready to tackle blue runs and chairlifts.
Red Run Explorers:
Red Run Explorers will be comfortable on skiing red runs and will be working on parallel turns. They will be learning lots, having fun on jumps, bumps, small boxes and as the week progresses, they will find confidence skiing more challenging terrain.
Black Run Rovers:
Our Black Run Rovers are happiest skiing red and black runs, beginning the week comfortably skiing parallel. Black Run Rovers will learn more advanced techniques such as short turns, and carving. They will have a blast, explore the terrain, and visit the park.
Full Days: The courses will run as described from 9am - 4pm including lunch if more than 3 children are registered per group. If there are 1-2 children registered for a group, the course will be held at reduced hours, until 1pm and will not include lunch.
Half Days: The courses will run as described from 9am - 12pm if more than 3 children are registered per group. If there are 1-2 children registered for a group, the group will be held at reduced hours, either 9am - 11am or 10am - 12pm.
Best Price
Convenient holiday planning - tailor-made for you
Best price guaranteed - get the most out of it
Exclusive offers - benefit from special advantages
No hidden costs - 100% transparent prices
Meeting point: Monday and Tuesday: Bottom of Sunnegga Express, Wednesday to Friday: Bottom of the Matterhorn Express
Meeting time: 08:45 hrs
Start days: Monday
Duration: 09:00 – 16:00 hrs, Monday - Friday
Maximum children per instructor: 6 children
Important Information: