The Lost Valley is a small, idyllic alluvial plain in the Findeln valley.
Next available date: Sun, 1 Jun 2025
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The Lost Valley is a small, idyllic alluvial plain in the Findeln valley above Zermatt. Nestled between the left moraine of the receding Findel Glacier and the northern steep face of the Stockhorn, it is an absolutely enchanting place. In the valley itself, the hikers enjoy total peace and a magnificent view of the Matterhorn.
You will gain an insight of the geological, glaciological and historical characteristics of the Matterhorn village. Our hiking and mountain guides will be happy to pass their insider knowledge to you! Look forward to unusual encounters and experiences!
Duration: Approx. 5-6 hours
Best period: From mid-June to the end of October, every Monday
Number of participants: 1 – 8 persons (in a group minimum 4 persons)
Minimum age: Suitable for children over 12 years with a good physical condition
Price: In a group: CHF 135 per person (minimum 4 persons)
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Convenient holiday planning - tailor-made for you
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Difficulty level: T3 / Check the SAC hiking scala