In the Swiss Snow League you learn to ski from scratch.
Next available date: Mon, 31 Mar 2025
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For children and adolescents (6-14 years)
In the Swiss Snow League you learn to ski from scratch. The whole variety of snow sports shows up as you progress through the individual levels and leagues and become a skilled skier. With each level achieved in a league, you earn the appropriate medal and move on to the next level. If you've completed all the levels of a league, you'll progress to the next higher league.
Throughout the week, we offer our group lessons for children and teenagers (starting days every Monday and (Wednesday only if there are enough registrations) for 3 days). In a playful way, the technique and the joy of snow sports is conveyed. Our highly trained snow sports instructors teach with modern learning aids and the basics and instructions of Swiss Snowsports. The children are trained in different stages from beginner to advanced. The different age groups are given special consideration. In the Blue League, the kids learn the basics of skiing. Intermediate skiers consolidate their skills in the Red League, before they mature in the Black League to the advanced skiers. Their progress is continuously recorded in a personal booklet.
Ski level:
Please inform us about your skiing level when you book so that we can organize the lessons for you in the best possible way.
Kids 6-14:
Best Price
Convenient holiday planning - tailor-made for you
Best price guaranteed - get the most out of it
Exclusive offers - benefit from special advantages
No hidden costs - 100% transparent prices
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