For connoisseurs, culinary experts and mountain lovers
Next available date: Fri, 14 Mar 2025
Best Price
Convenient holiday planning - tailor-made for you
Best price guaranteed - get the most out of it
Exclusive offers - benefit from special advantages
No hidden costs - 100% transparent prices
What makes the Gornergrat so unique? Certainly not only the unmistakable view of the Matterhorn, but also the surrounding, breath-taking mountain world and the numerous culinary highlights along the route of the Gornergrat railway line. The Gourmet Ticket combines everything and is definitely an indispensable part of the Gornergrat experience.
*Drinks are chargeable
The ticket includes the ride on the Gornergrat Bahn to the various stations and the individual courses of the gourmet menu. One drink per person is included in the 3100 Kulmhotel and Restaurant Alphitta. Drinks in the Riffelhaus 1853 are not included in the Gourmet Ticket and will be charged additionally.
Best Price
Convenient holiday planning - tailor-made for you
Best price guaranteed - get the most out of it
Exclusive offers - benefit from special advantages
No hidden costs - 100% transparent prices
Here you can find the gourmet ticket in winter.