Parking garage

Gemeinde Randa

Currently open

Today: 00:00 - 24:00

Randa has a multi-story car park with 88 spaces. There are also 12 additional spaces by the church, which are not under cover. If the multi-storey car park is full, you can also park in the inner courtyard of the multi-purpose building.

Address & contact details

Gemeinde Randa
3928 Randa

+41 27 967 17 76

Address & contact details

Gemeinde Randa
3928 Randa

+41 27 967 17 76


Our guests appreciate the central location of the multi-storey car park. It is next to the railway station and just a few minutes’ walk from the tourist office. The multi-storey car park is open for guests and local users 365 days a year. Tariffs for the Randa multi-storey car park and parking spaces:


-       CHF 1.– per hour

-       CHF 12.– per day


Ways to pay:
Multi-storey car park: Ticket machine – pay for parking in Swiss Francs or Euros (credit cards not accepted).


Parking by the church: Ticket machine – pay for parking in Swiss Francs or by credit card (Euros not accepted).


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Address & contact details

Gemeinde Randa
3928 Randa

+41 27 967 17 76