Next available date: Thu, 13 Mar 2025
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The evening ride to Furi is an experience, which is all about socialising and good food. You will find both in Zermatt’s mountain restaurants and cosy chalets. The same goes for traditional Swiss specialities.
A great way to round off a sunny day on the slopes – with a special trip at 6.30 - 5.40 p.m. taking you from Zermatt to Furi. The old mountain traditions are alive and well in this sleepy hamlet. After a short walk, you can enjoy a delicious dinner in the midst of the wintry landscape. If the snow conditions are favourable, you can even go back to the village on a toboggan. Great fun for young and old alike!
The following restaurants are open for the evening ride to Furi. Please contact the respective restaurant to see if they still have available places:
The return to the village is either on foot or, if snow conditions are good, by toboggan. The rental of the toboggan is not included in the offer.
Best Price
Convenient holiday planning - tailor-made for you
Best price guaranteed - get the most out of it
Exclusive offers - benefit from special advantages
No hidden costs - 100% transparent prices
As the number of seats in the restaurants is limited, we ask you to make a reservation in good time.
Restaurant Gitz-Gädi: +41 27 966 28 00
Restaurant Marmo: +41 27 967 82 82
Aroleid restaurant +41 27 967 07 20
Departure: 6.30 pm at the Matterhorn-Express valley station
Equipment: Headlamp or torch recommended.