You have completed module “Winter 1: safety and avalanches”.
Next available date: Sat, 8 Mar 2025
Best Price
Convenient holiday planning - tailor-made for you
Best price guaranteed - get the most out of it
Exclusive offers - benefit from special advantages
No hidden costs - 100% transparent prices
Requirement: you have completed module “Winter 1: safety and avalanches” or have demonstrated the required experience of this area.
Course content and objectives
The module “Winter 2: management of avalanche risks” is a two-day course that imparts the following learning objectives:
Best Price
Convenient holiday planning - tailor-made for you
Best price guaranteed - get the most out of it
Exclusive offers - benefit from special advantages
No hidden costs - 100% transparent prices
Meeting point
08:15 Meeting point with your mountain guide at the Matterhorn Express station in front of Dorsaz Sport, at level of the gondola station or by arrangement with your guide, with skis / snowboard
Every Saturday and Sunday starting from 10 December 2024