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Real Valais specialities Walker World - closely connected to everything that is associated with the idea of home. The region in which you live and work, the people, values and traditions; innovative, yet closely connected to the world.
Address & contact details
Arnold Walker AG
Furkastrasse 164
3982 Bitsch
Address & contact details
Arnold Walker AG
Furkastrasse 164
3982 Bitsch
Alexander Walker is one of the most traditional cheese producers in Valais. He modernised Walker AG, founded by his parents Louise and Arnold in 1956, without neglecting the classic, proven traditional methods and craft and it is for this reason, that mountain farmers and master cheesemakers still play a leading role. Numerous restaurants, hotels, canteen kitchens as well as private and retail businesses purchase products from the rich selection offered at Walker AG because they are of highest quality and carry a piece of Valais within them. The best Valais cheeses have been refined in the Walker alpine Cheese-Factory since 1996. They get their unique taste from the mountain meadows interspersed with herbs and spicy grass, as well as from the mountain hay, which gives the cow's milk its incomparable aroma.
Address & contact details
Arnold Walker AG
Furkastrasse 164
3982 Bitsch